Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.

Even When...

Even When...

Even When.jpg

"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in The Lord" - Psalm 40:3 NIV

Let’s Praise The Lord even when...

... We don't feel like it
... We feel the enemy bearing down on us
... We feel a million miles away
... Our prayers don't seem to be going any further than the ceiling
... Our stress seems to out weigh our praise

Praise Him anyway...
Praise Him through it...
Praise Him in the midst of whatever you may be dealing with.

Reach out to Him and praise Him for who He is. For He is good and He is worthy of our praise.

Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem



Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned