Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

“Let us never forget, he who hath borne the battle, and his widow and orphans.”
Abraham Lincoln

“No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.”
- John 15:13 HCSB

Memorial Day…

A day set aside to reflect, remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom... 

A moment to stop and thank all that gave their lives so we may be free... 

For the cost of freedom is not free... 

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” - John 8:36 NIV

Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem

The Cure

The Cure

Wrong Way

Wrong Way