Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.

Wrong Way

Wrong Way

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 
- John 14:6 NIV

In Chattanooga, like in most towns big or small, there are a good number of one-way roads and streets, especially in and around the Downtown Northshore areas. So, it’s easy, if one is not careful or paying close enough attention, to find one’s self going the wrong direction on a one-way street.

Three times in the last week or so, I found myself facing potential issues from folks heading in the wrong direction. 

The first one was innocent enough with a driver, obviously in unfamiliar surroundings, turning the wrong way down a one-way street and coming straight at me. With little reaction time, all I could do is stop, do my best to pull over as far as I could and start flashing my lights at the oncoming vehicle. The two men in business suits ultimately stopped as well, gave an apologetic wave to me and the cars behind me, and quickly made a u-turn.

The second was an elderly lady, with another car close behind her, making a turn too sharp at a very busy intersection. Thus, going rather quickly the wrong way with oncoming traffic doing their best to slow and dodge the two vehicles. Until finally, the two vehicles made a left turn toward what looked like their destination. The whole time seemingly oblivious to their mistake.

The third was once again downtown. Another one-way street. Another vehicle going the wrong way at me. Only this time as I moved out of the way while flashing my lights, the rather young-looking women decided to give me the one finger salute and continue going the wrong direction. Thus, causing others to have to pull over to get out of her way.

As I contemplate these three scenarios, it occurs to me that they are very similar to the world around us, with similar responses to the Gospel message. 

The first car was obviously lost, but when they saw the flashing lights and understood they were going the wrong way, they made a u-turn right then and there, and began traveling in the right direction. 

The second group of cars were oblivious to others around them. They were focused on one thing, going one place and did not hear or see anything else around them... They were going the wrong way and did not know.

The third car was traveling the wrong direction but didn’t want to hear it and was quite obstinate about it. She was going to do what she wanted to do and no one was going to tell her or show her otherwise. It was her life and her choice and she was going to do what was best for her at that moment. Never mind who it might effect. Never mind anyone else. Never mind that it was the wrong direction.

All three needed direction. All three, in this analogy, needed the Gospel.

One heard and changed direction.
One never heard and just kept going the wrong direction, and lead another the wrong way too.
One heard but chose not to act upon what she had heard, chose her own path, her own way no matter what.

Some of us maybe similar to those vehicles. 

Some of us may have our compass pointed in the wrong direction. Career goals and life-wants stealing our focus. Thus, not realizing we’re heading the wrong way.

Some of us may be like the young woman, going our own way no matter what, even it is the wrong way and we know it. We’re going to choose our own way no matter who it hurts, or what anyone might say, even if it ultimately hurts us. 

If you find yourself going the wrong direction, Jesus wants you to turn around and follow Him. He wants us all to travel down the road less chosen - the right way on a one-way street. Trust Him to lead the way.

Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” 
- Matthew 7:13-14

Fingerprints of God

Fingerprints of God

Two Storms

Two Storms