Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.



“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” 
– Hebrews 11:6 NIV

The Summer Olympics have just finished up after two weeks of events and games, and most of us have tuned in (at least for some of it while flashing back to our favorite shows) to see the elite athletes… to see the gymnasts, the swimmers, the track and field events and the basketball…

Every night we have celebrated the elite athletes and amazing athleticism from the best in the world… Yet, as I’ve watched event after event go to someone I’ve never really heard of in a sport that I don’t really know much about, I began to wonder (as I often do, so it seems).

We celebrate the elite competitors, whose commitment over the years have them competing at amazing levels and winning gold, silver or bronze. We celebrate them knowing that many are great people and many all too often think more about themselves than anyone or anything else… even the country they represent.

But what about the people who are really great… who do great things under the radar… out of most people’s view? 

What about those who go above and beyond the call of duty day after day?

What about the true heroes… the modern day heroes of the faith?

So… here are a list of my Gold Medal events/descriptions/categories… for those whose award will one day be in Heaven:

• The man who ministers to the Homeless… loves the unlovable… feeds the hungry.
• The military chaplain or soldier who leads a Bible Study in a combat zone.
• The man taking the living water of Jesus to the dry areas of Africa while also supplying their physical needs in digging/building fresh water wells. 
• The sorority girl striving to walk with Christ/to shine for Jesus in the midst of a house or floor that is not.
• The couple reaching the Haitian children.
• The pastor pouring into Nicaraguan pastors
• The pastor leading a movement to reach those who are not being reached
• The couples ministering in China, India, Pakistan and in the Eastern Block countries.
• Black and White alike working together in the neighborhood… making a difference in the lives of single moms and their children 
• The athlete playing to glorify God through his/her abilities, efforts, passion.
• The coach who unashamedly lives for Jesus
• The teacher who prays for her students and her school.
• The 6th and 7th Grade boys Sunday School teacher
• The musician lifting up the name of Christ
• The politician who strives to lead as Jesus would lead and has the best interest of the people at heart.
• The Business Owner who does business using Christian principles.
• The Mom who prays for her kids and leads them through her actions and reactions.
• The Dad who is engaged in his family’s lives and on a daily basis is the example of Jesus for them.
• The man pouring into the lives of other men. Building them up and leading them to Christ… no longer needing to ask, “Where are the Christian Men?
• The Community Leader who is an unashamed believer living and leading as Jesus would have him live and lead.
• The person who sees with Jesus’ eyes… feels with His heart… and puts that faith into action in their little part of the world… whatever that may be.

“As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” 
– John 9:4 NIV

These Champions get it… They get John 9:4… They understand what others have done before them… They see the need… They have the desire… 

They aren’t just following, they are chasing… chasing Christ where ever He may lead… passionately doing whatever it is they have been called to do.

Thank you for all you do under the radar Gold Medal leaders of the faith

Keep the Faith… Carpe Diem

Blind See

Blind See

How Long?

How Long?