The Many Things
“Shout for joy to God, all the earth;
sing the glory of his name;
give to him glorious praise!
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you.
All the earth worships you
and sings praises to you;
they sing praises to your name.” Selah - Psalm 66:1-4 ESV
During yesterday’s dark and wet morning in Pensacola, Florida, where we were visiting for a few days, I found myself sitting and thinking about all the Many Things…. all the Little Things, the minutia, the detail to the smallest degree that He has made, that He has taken the time and focus to create.
I find myself praising Him for all the little things, along with the big and weighty things.
I found my mind swimming in so many things to praise Him for - some deep, some not as much. All praiseworthy in their own right:
Praise Him for the thunderstorms that often rock the area and blow through town from time to time, a reminder of His power and strength, and of how Jesus calmed the storm.
Praise Him for the falling rain that may very well wash the heavy early season pollen out of the air... at least for a while.
Praise Him for the rain that slows down traffic and gives time for one more song of praise in the car, one more thought of Him before entering the church to share the Word, one more moment to be reminded to shine for Him.
Praise Him for the rising sun
Praise Him for the voices of the singing birds
Praise Him for power that works even after a storm.
Praise Him for the ability to breathe and move and workout after lungs and sinuses have been filled with that heavy pollen.
Praise Him for the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat that “March Madness” is already beginning to bring.
Praise Him for the beauty of a lone flower blooming among the weeds.
Praise Him for the detail of that flower - the pure white, the brilliant yellow, the cool blue stripe
Praise Him for that pollen. Yes, even the pollen, that brings renewed life to the trees, the shrubs, the flowers as it reddens our eyes and runs our noses.
Praise Him for the doctors who invented the allergy medicine that we can take so we can enjoy the great outdoors this time of year... or allows us to work with clear eyes inside our air conditioned office.
Praise Him for clean water and for electricity that so many do not have... or have on a limited basis.
Praise Him for the freedom to be able to praise Him that so many do not have... who praise and worship in a secret place in a secret way, in fear of being tortured for their faith and dying for what they believe. (O Lord, grant them peace and hope and protection and strengthened faith).
Praise Him for the freedom we take for granted that so many do not have or who, even today, are fighting to try to keep.
Praise Him for things like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn that have allowed friends and acquaintances to connect, reconnect, share thoughts and ideas.
Praise Him for being able to reconnect with old friends, old teammates, old acquaintance face to face.
Praise Him for memories and laughter...
Praise Him for the busyness and craziness of the day... and for the calmness of time with Him.
Praise Him for just enough cereal to be able eat breakfast and leave the table satisfied knowing that so many around the world wake up hungry and have very little or nothing.
Praise Him for while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Praise Him for who He is, for what He has done, for all that He is doing, for what He has yet to do.
Praise Him for He is worthy of our praise.
Praise Him for all those things that have not yet come to mind.
Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem
“Come and hear, all you who fear God,
and I will tell what he has done for my soul.
I cried to him with my mouth,
and high praise was on my tongue.”
- Psalm 66:16-17 ESV