Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.



“I will sing of the Lord’s unfailing love forever!
Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.
Your unfailing love will last forever.
Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.” - Psalm 89:1-2 NLT

Let’s Sing.

Sing to the Lord a new song.
Sing a Song sweet to His ears.
Sing a Song of His greatness and wonder.
Sing a Song of joy and peace.

When we were young,
We could just sing a song.
Made them up as we went along
Sang the song engrained in our heart.
Just sang out loud and strong.

Didn’t matter.
Didn’t matter.
Didn’t matter.

We’ve forgotten what it means to sing.
Forgotten how it feels to sing -
to sing loud and strong a new song.
Forgotten the joy.
Forgotten the fun
Allowed the world to stifle our song.

Let’s Sing that Song
buried deep in our soul.
Sing of His grace
Sing of His love

Let’s Sing a New Song... a Hymn of Praise to our God.

Let’s Sing that Song
Just Sing…

Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
They will put their trust in the Lord.” - Psalm 40:1-3 NLT

Bow Down

Bow Down

Does God Still Speak?

Does God Still Speak?